10 UX Rules Every Web Designer Should Live By

You can create the most jaw dropping design in the world and it won’t succeed if it doesn’t satisfy usability.

10 UX Rules Every Web Designer Should Live By

Everything from a toothpick to a commercial airliner requires usability to function and sell, or else its design is doomed. Similarly, in the web world a term called UX comes to play when a website is used and graded.


Effect Of Too Many Plugins On WordPress Website – Know From Experts

Of course, yes. With every plugin you install on your WordPress site, you are sure to slower down you website, even if that means a few milliseconds.

Effect Of Too Many Plugins On WordPress Website – Know From Experts

However, the hard reality it, your WordPress site is nothing without plugins.


Tips On How To Make Your Blog More Mobile Friendly

Google recently announced that they will be using mobile friendly algorithm update to check if all blogs are mobile-friendly, and will penalize those who are not. Which left many bloggers wondering, how to make their websites more mobile friendly and how to even know if your blog is mobile friendly or not. Which is why we put together the most vital information about why making your blog more mobile-friendly is so important and how to actually do it.

Tips On How To Make Your Blog More Mobile Friendly

Nowadays, a large chunk of any blog visitors are using their mobile devices instead of computers to do so. And since Google has vowed to boost the rankings of the sites, that are suitable to view on mobile devices, it is more important than ever to make sure your blog or website is friendly to mobile devices.


10 Steps to a Creative and Engaging WordPress Blog

A blog is an incredibly creative thing to invest your time in, and the greatest thing about it is that it can also be profitable.

10 Steps to a Creative and Engaging WordPress Blog

You don’t have to have a definitive reason to create one, but there are numerous concrete reasons – sharing your love of a book or a movie, tips and tricks about being a single parent, traveling, dancing, or simply having strong opinions which you’d like to share with the world.


Absolutely The Best Web Resources To Use in 2017

Today we want to share with you a great showcase that contains absolutely the best web resources to use in 2017.

Absolutely The Best Web Resources To Use in 2017

We’ve spent many days for the research, we’ve seen hundreds of web apps, services, and tools and finally, we succeed in building this showcase of 17 solutions from different domains like platforms with PHP Script and themes, WordPress, Icons, PSD to HTML services and even more.


Things That Drive Graphic Designers Mad [Infographic]

The infographic explains that how for the sake of making their portfolio strong, many graphic designers keep on working even when they aren’t paid at all. While hiring graphic designers, many people compare them with other designers who are offering services at very low prices, but they don’t understand that some graphic designers have highly professional education and experience of many years, and professional designers cannot be compared with the non-professional designers.

Things That Drive Graphic Designers Mad [Infographic]

There is also no need to haggle with the graphic designers endlessly when you are hiring them because graphic designing is a highly creative task and you must pay reasonable prices.