Proven and Helpful Tips to Sell a Small Business

Selling a small business for the most extreme worth to the correct buyers on the correct standing can be a gigantic test, in any event, for experienced business owners.

Proven and Helpful Tips to Sell a Small Business

Purchasing and selling a small business is an unpredictable interaction, yet one that ought to be demystified. At its most fundamental level, the interaction is clear, very much like the acquisition of a solitary thing.


Are GitHub Repositories Safe from Hacking?

In GitHub repositories lie some very important secrets, for companies. They are meant to be hidden and protected against hackers and other thieves who would like to steal this information, in order to resell it.

Are GitHub Repositories Safe from Hacking?

How safe are those secrets? A year ago, a hacker named Shiny Hunters claimed to have stolen 500GB of data from Microsoft’s GitHuB. Here is the story that shows how important it is for companies to make sure their GitHub is an unattainable fortress.


Is WordPress an Enterprise-Grade CMS? Yes, and Here Are 10 Reasons Why!

To qualify as an exceptional content management system, a platform should incorporate behind-the-scenes content management applications (CMA) using which users can update their website. Further, the platform should have a front-facing content delivery application (CDA) that copies the data entered. It should also send the data to the server for updating the website.

Is WordPress an Enterprise-Grade CMS? Yes, and Here Are 10 Reasons Why!

WordPress does both! Its CMA is used to create content for websites and blogs. Then, its CDA takes the data and converts it into a perfect web page or blog post that’s visible to the users. All this can be done without the help of a professional web designer, developer or webmaster.


Who Benefits From Using A VPN Service?

Virtual Private Networks encrypt data and hide user IP addresses by routing their online activity through remote servers all around the world. VPN services are very popular.

Who Benefits From Using A VPN Service?

Roughly 31 percent of all internet users have used a VPN at some point in their online lives. Interestingly, there has been a huge surge in VPN use during the coronavirus pandemic, with a 124 percent rise in use in the USA between March 8th and March 22nd 2020.


10 Big Data Trends That Can Change Ecommerce Industry In 2021

According to IDC, the worldwide datasphere is slated to grow to 175 zettabytes by 2025 from a mere 45 zettabytes in 2019. I was astonished to know that this total of the world's data is increasing at a compounded growth rate of a staggering 61% annually.

10 Big Data Trends That Can Change Ecommerce Industry In 2021

Many eCommerce businesses assume that collecting information is enough. However, as an e-retail technology expert, I know that gathering data is only half the battle. Big data's real power can give eCommerce stores the competitive advantage only after analyzing this chunk of data accurately.


Does Facial Recognition Technology Reduce Crime

Facial recognition software uses biometrics to map out facial features from an image or video to identify human faces.

Does Facial Recognition Technology Reduce Crime

It creates a database of multiple pictures and facial features to find relevant matches. The technology is most commonly cornering the mobile phone market, unlocking features and photo organization on cell phones. For example, most android phones will automatically categorize photographs into like images (or collections of individual people).