Website development is a troublesome matter, demanding loads of mental and financial resources. Sure enough, website owners believe in miracles that are likely to happen right after the project launch and make them more popular, loved by their visitors and well-off at the result. Nobody wants to waste money, on...
Web performance or website optimization simply means the optimizing the speed of web elements (pages, images, other file formats etc.) which are downloaded or displayed on the user’s web browser. Attempts to improve download and display speeds have existed to earlier times; however, it was the Steve Souders who described...
Today, the picture has become an important tool to achieve the goal and is considered the most important visual communication tools, especially in our world today. The Photoshop PROGRAMS OF MONTHS Modify pictures, and even in the design in general. But in spite of the Adobe Photoshop program is excellent,...
IT professionals are constantly looking for ways to improve their web designs and website development skills. One of the most effective critiquing tools they have in their corner is the use of feedback. Feedback, whether good or bad, allows them to see what others think about their product and design....
Currently there are a few cross-platform compatible fonts that designers can use with the certainty that users have them installed on their system. Over the years, several alternatives have appeared to let designers add specific fonts to their pages; for example, techniques such as sIFR and Cufón rely on methods...