10 Unique Ways to Get More Instagram Followers and Likes

Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing. Attracting followers and increasing engagement is challenging for established accounts and new profiles alike.

These obstacles can be overcome with a little creativity and planning, though. While you can use ViralRace to buy followers on Insta, you can also try implementing some out-of-the-box strategies.

Read below for 10 unique ways to get more Instagram followers and likes.

1. Take Advantage of Instagram Stories Highlights

Instagram has rolled out numerous new features in recent times. It can be difficult to keep up with them all. Perhaps you’ve noticed the headings listed below circular thumbnails in some brand bios that invite users to visit various aspects of their profile.

These are examples of the many creative ways you can use Instagram Stories Highlights to introduce your brand to potential followers. Instagram Stories Highlights are past Stories you can group into categories of your choice, allowing you to name each one in a manner that fits the purpose and feel of your brand.

2. Get Discovered Through Instagram Stories with Hashtags and Locations

Instagram Stories is a feature that allows you to showcase multiple posts that tell a story, hence the name. It gives you room for creativity in showcasing various aspects of your brand. What you may not realize is that you even have the potential to reach users who aren’t currently following you. If your content is well-received and gets a great deal of engagement, it could end up on Instagram’s explore page where a large segment of the platform’s users can access it.

Get Discovered

Your Stories can also find their way to new potential followers through hashtags and geotags because these tags now come with their own Stories attached to them. If your post is tagged, it could end up in a larger pool of Stories with that same tag. This is an underutilized way to be discovered.

3. Become an Influencer Elsewhere

Simply taking the time to be seen in other platforms and outlets, both online and off, is a great way to give your Instagram engagement a boost. These days, it’s not unusual for people to look up brands and influencers on Instagram before they even think about doing a Google search.

So, invest the time and effort to get your business noticed in a media outlet such as a blog or podcast. When that platform’s audience interest is sparked by your appearance, they can check you out on Instagram.

4. Boost Your Signal

Good old-fashioned advertising also works on Instagram. Boosting your posts can introduce you to an entirely new audience. The big benefit to this is that you can tailor your ads to reach specific demographics that mesh with your brand.

Your post will be the same as others, but there will be a “sponsored” label at the top. You’ll probably want to experiment with different settings and monitor results to get find your ad attracting just the right type of followers.

5. Create a Vibe

When it comes to marketing, you probably have already curated a specific aesthetic for your brand. You have your logo, color palette, and tagline. These are all important aspects of brand recognition, but you need to take this concept a bit further when it comes to the visual appeal of Instagram.

Your photos should all demonstrate a consistent aesthetic, using similar colors, filters and image elements. Paying attention to these design aspects will give your Instagram profile a cohesive feel.

6. Make Your Bio Pop

When folks do take the time to check out what you’re all about on Instagram after seeing your photos, they head to your bio to learn more. This space is one that many brands fail to utilize well. Don’t drop the ball.

Your Instagram bio is a place for you to not only share what you’re all about, but also let potential followers know what you have to offer or how you can make a difference to them.

7. Add Hashtags with Purpose

Don’t be lazy when it comes to hashtags. The general ones like #love and #fun just won’t cut it when it comes to attracting the right followers for you. Instead, take time to do some hashtag research and craft the most relevant ones for your brand.

Shoot for hashtags that appeal specifically to your intended audience, ones that describe your particular brand and tags that share your location.

8. Engage Strategically and Authentically

It’s time to look at methods that are more hands-on with regard to getting more Instagram likes and followers. Not only should your account be visible and appealing, but you also need to put yourself out there and be active in order to catch the eye of real users who will be interested in your brand.

This involves scouting things like relevant hashtags and your competition’s followers in order to discover the profiles of users who fit your target market. Then be sure to follow, like and comment genuinely on their content. Chances are, these individuals will return the favor.

9. Regram as Testimonial

A regram is a simple concept. It’s when you post someone else’s content and give them a shoutout.

You can do this when your customers post photos of themselves using your product. It’s a great way to give recognition to a loyal clientele, and it also serves as a testimonial for your business.

10. Run a Unique Contest

People love to win things, so holding a contest or giveaway is almost always a surefire method for getting people involved with your brand. Be sure to put some creativity into your contest, though.

It has to stand out from the rest and offer something of value for entrants. There are various types of giveaways. Choose one that makes sense for your brand and your marketing goals.

Getting more likes and followers on Instagram isn’t unachievable. It just takes some creativity and planning. Give these suggestions a shot to see if your engagement improves.

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