Need a creative and colorful way to store your information. Well, look no further than the Freepik Gradient Style Infographic Elements Freebie.
It has a range of vibrant and captivating designs that will stand out from the page. It is the perfect embodiment of smart meeting style.
About Gradient Style Infographic Elements Set
From blazing purples, brilliants blues and bright oranges you can literally add a bit of color to your text. They are perfect especially for those pieces of dense information as one will not possibly be able to skim through them. Furthermore, you can choose from different shaped elements. For all those with bright ideas, the lightbulb design will be perfect for you. Or for those craving a bit of stylistic simplicity you have triangles, rectangles and curved edges to top it off.
Each design is completely free to download in Ai, EPS and JPG files. For additional styles, you can check out the Freepik website. So inform with perfect form using the Freepik Gradient Style Infographic Elements Freebie.
You can use them for personal and commercial projects and have a variety of different designs to choose from.
By downloading this pack, it is vital that you understood the following terms and conditions:
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