Top 15 Cloud Based Web Development Tools

Cloud computing is when you rely on the internet to accomplish your tasks. Previously, people used to run programs or apps via downloaded software on a server in their buildings.

Whereas, cloud computing enables people to work from anywhere if they have an internet connection. This saves a lot of time and decreases software development costs.

There are many advantages of using cloud tools.

  • It extinguishes the concern about equipment, its functionality, storage, and security. Your only concern should be rent payment.
  • You can get the services from any location and any device, with the internet connection.
  • The computer power does not remain the matter of concern because the ambiguous calculations are done by the servers of the cloud provider.

In other words, cloud services are proliferating day by day and it is rapidly becoming the new normal. In fact, Gartner predicted that the global market for public clod services would grow by 18% in 2017 and this made the total $246.8 billion in comparison to $209.2 billion in 2016.

Undeniably, cloud is called the distant storage, in which the user pays to save information. Cloud services are utilized in our smartphones and computers to save some hard disc space. This enables us to reach to our information from anywhere. Similarly, web developers also utilize cloud services to save time, hence decreasing the overall monetary cost. This is profitable for both developers and clients.

Majority of the web development tools have appeared to modernize the procedure of developing a web-based app, with the rapidly progressing web development industry. This has also assisted developers to overcome the learning curve.

There are many web app development rudiments that need a developer to have information in various areas. So, all web developers must integrate cloud-based solutions in their app in order to enable users store information online.

Cloud-based app development is advantageous to the developers. This is because it provides the aptitude to self-provision growth and challenging environments, so you can get moving on app builds without waiting for software and hardware to show up in the data center.

Furthermore, various languages (Ruby, PHP, Python or Java) can be used to build app logic. A developer is more likely to use an amalgamation of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to condense a visually appealing web app.

In this article, IQVIS as a company professionally affianced in mobile and web development provides the list of top fifteen effective cloud-based web development tools.

1. SQL Fiddle

SQL Fiddle

It is an online tool to evaluate queries and draw the comparison in SQL statements in various database back-ends. Mounting each database frequently has need of some efforts, particularly when we want to see the result of the inquiry in dissimilar situations. It has two panels. On the right-hand panel, SQL statements are inserted, whereas, on the left pane you can view database structures and create tables.

The major benefits include:

  • You can use SQL database to scale out architectures that use cheap commodity hardware. Companies are able to achieve high levels of performance, scalability, and availability at a very low cost.
  • It is important for a web-based app to be available and accessible all time. Interruption can be tremendously disadvantageous to customer loyalty. Web assets want their database boards to display high code value, accountability acceptance, fast resume and reinstatement, lively adaptation to cumulative workload and simple maintenance and upgrade operations.
  • The comfort of utilization as it offers extraordinary quick-start competence with the regular time from software transfer to setting up accomplishment in less than fifteen minutes.
2. Vertabello


It enables you to design database models for best vendors like IBM, SQL Server, SQLite, and Oracle. You can transfer current database structure from reverse engineering tool, SQL or use XML. After designing a model, you can make SQL ready to use the code for different ORMs and for Vertableo Mobile ORM.

If you choose to utilize a set of tools of this sort, then the assortment of Vertabelo will be completely acceptable. Functioning with databases is significantly simplified due to the following:

  • User-friendly triangulation and interface
  • Involuntary redeemable models and version tracing
  • Sustenance of IBM DB2 9.7, PostgreSQL 9.x, MySQL 5.5, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SQLite 3.7.x, Oracle 11g, HSQLDB 2.3 databases
  • Other opportunities and tools
3. Cloud 9

Cloud 9

Cloud9 serves as the platform that delivers an operational code with whole Ubuntu working area in the cloud for Ruby, Python, node.js, HTML and PHP. These work areas are motorized by Docker Ubuntu ampules. The tool comprises of a conversation that permits designers to have the connection with each other inside the IDE.

In addition to this, it lets you set out your code to cloud platforms such as on-premise servers, Heroku, cloud foundry and windows azure. Cloud9 allows you to graft offline as cloud-based reproductions of code are coordinated with confined copies.



JSFIDDLE is an operational publishing supervisor for web extracts for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The device funds numerous extensions and frameworks like: ExtJS, JSBlocks, Vue, Brick, Lo-Dash, jTypes, Minified, svg.js, React, Paper.js CreateJS, D3, qooxdoo, FabricJS, KineticJS, Bonsai, Underscore, Ember, AngularJS, Knockout.js, React.js, Three.js, RightJS, Processing.js, Dojo.js.

5. Moqups


This is an HTML5 App for designers. It is used to develop prototypes, UI concepts, mockups, and wireframes. The sidebar of apps that appears on the left side is full of different objects prepared to be dragged and dropped onto your wireframe.



The variety of usage of this cloud-based web development platform deals with an extensive variability of circumstances: from investigational private open source projects to commercial projects of numerous scale.

Github proposes the subsequent chances:

  • Analysis and hosting of the code
  • Confab of the code with the designer’s community
  • Project organization
  • Discussion and study of new projects and idea

Github hinged a huge community of originators, who has a conviction the service, place their software products and vigorously practice the tools untaken by the service. As a consequence, Github proposes an exceptional assortment of projects and information, and it is very suitable to work with such a complete source.

7. Browser Stack

Browser Stack

This service rapidly permits you to conduct automated and manual testing in different real browsers. The probabilities offered to encompass:

  • Likelihood to select a browser and conforming browser types
  • Constructing screenshots of pages in an involuntary mode via one click (diverse amalgamations of changed resolutions and browsers)
  • Comparable involuntary cloud testing in altered browsers
  • Native testing of internal and private servers; effectual correcting structure

As a result, owing to a usage of such cloud-based tools for the web development the crew protects phase for analysis and coffers for obtaining a park of testing expedients.



This is a suitable conventional tool to investigate presentation and conduct capacity tests. The following chances are presented:

  • Efficient and accurate evaluation grounded in the fresh Real User Monitoring technology.
  • Changeover from everyday testing to unceasing testing (through the whole work on the software product, opening with the expansion process)
  • Assortment of scale and location of analysis (number of users)

In a broad-spectrum, Soasta possibility to examine the product or a newfangled form of the product grounded on the actual involvement of users situated in unlike parts of the world. From the viewpoint of admiration, the subsequent facility can be actually named a leader in the area of the source code management (SCM).

9. Koding


Koding is differentiated amongst the former cloud-based tools for web developers, meanwhile this complete integrated development environment (IDE). This is a suitable facility, which delivers the whole thing you need to make and run an app in the cloud. Additionally, it encompasses a social network an environment developed for communication of developers. Here are the facilities it offers:

  • Association of the team not only with the code but with the growing environment
  • Investigative tools permit noticing inadequacies in the work procedure and removing them in a judicious manner
  • You can select between a “cloud” and a nearby connected form of Koding
  • Provision for numerous software design languages, including Ruby, C, Go, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, C++, Python.

Koding hoards your efforts and time necessary to arrange your own growth environment and make it relaxed for new developers to link the team. The following stage, which frequently needs the usage of cloud services, is analysis. Not all squads have adequate apparatus obtainable to examine the finished product and its types.

10. ProtoShare


An additional valuable facility is a suitable prototyping instrument intended to equally make and converse on prototypes and mockups of apps and websites. By means of this tool, the squad members might discuss and adjust prototypes in real-time manner. Legislatures of the squad may validate prototypes to the purchaser to regulate whether it meets their vision and requirements.

The likelihoods provided by Protoshare:

  • Likelihood to custom your own prototype patterns in all your schemes
  • Likelihood to enhance communicating rudiments
  • Likelihoods to equally vision prototypes kept in a place and accept feedback from customers and colleagues
  • A Rich assortment of Ready-made interface elements, shapes, fonts, and colors.
11. Python Fiddle

Python Fiddle

Python Fiddle is also known as Python Cloud IDE with a Python console and syntax highlighter that permits you to run python code from various browsers, join solution to stack overflow and import scraps from other sites. Furthermore, it is powered by auto-completion code and backs many Python packages: ply, mako, jinja2, Cheetah, asciitable, and allegory.

12. Codenvy


Codenvy is a Docker-based development environment that includes an IDE, source-code manager integration, build environments, and debugging tools. You can create a new project in one of the following languages: C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, or import an existing project from a git repository. Additionally, codeenvy offers a lot of samples based on different technologies (Android, Spring, and Angular).

13. Codio


It is a browser constructed multi-language IDE with its own Ubuntu example to evaluate the code. This tool is powered by extra features like browser integration, Go, JavaScript, C++, C, Syntax highlighting, CSS and HTML.

14. Codeanywhere


It is a web IDE with added structures delivered by a cloud app, such as syntax highlighting, collaboration in real-time and sharing files.

15. ShiftEdit


It delivers an operational IDE with code accomplishment for syntax checking, PHP code assist, CSS and HTML tags. You can effortlessly use files from Amazon S3, FTP, Google Drive, Dropbox, WebDAV, and SFTP. The app emphasizes on offline support, jump to line brackets, auto code completion, and real-time syntax debugging.


Even though there were a few inadequacies, the services explained and their equivalents permit noticeably money and time during the developmental procedure. Consequently, do not give up actual assistance. You want to prudently learn the recommended cloud-based web development tools, match their competences with the future payment tactics and select those services that will support to enhance the procedures to the revenue of customers and developers!

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