How to Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your hands around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications like Photoshop. The differences between layer use and the creation of objects and shapes can be really strange at first hand.

In the following tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a Forklift Truck in Adobe Illustrator. We’ll be creating base shapes using basic shapes and the Pathfinder panel and then adding detailing with gradients and the Appearance panel. Especially we will use effects like: 3D, Blur, Sketch, Warp, Texture…to create a vivid Forklift Truck. Let’s begin!

Final Result

Let’s see what you will be creating in this tutorial.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 1

Pick the Rectangle tool (M). Use this tool to create a 11px by 13px object. Next pick the Add anchor point tool (+) and add an anchor point at the point highlighted with blue. Next move this anchor point 6px down. Then fill the newly created object with R= 35, G=31, B=32.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep the newly created object selected. Go to the Object menu > Transform > Move. Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy. Next press (Ctrl +D) seven times to get the result as shown in the second image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select all newly created objects and then double click on the Reflect tool icon from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check in the Horizontal and then click Copy. Next place the results to the correct position as shown in the image. Finally select and group (Ctrl +G) all objects created from beginning step 1 to this time.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Open the Symbols panel. Drag and release the newly created group into the Symbol panel. In the Symbol Options box, enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Now we’ve had a new symbol named "Wheel" in the Symbols panel.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 160px by 160px object. While the ellipse object selected, go to the Effect menu > 3D > Extrude and Bevel…In the 3D Extrude & Bevel Options box, enter the data as shown in the second image. Next click on the Map Art button (at the bottom of the 3D Extrude & Bevel Options box).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

In the Map Art box, select 3 of 4 in the Surface. Next click on the triangle icon at the Symbol section and then select the "Wheel" symbol from the popup menu.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next click on the Scale to Fit button at the bottom of the Map Art box.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Adjust the "Wheel" object to get the result as shown below. Next check in the Invisible Geometry and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

While the result selected, go to the Object menu > Expland Appearance. Next press (Ctrl +Shift +G) twice times to ungroup the result. Remove fills and strokes values of None. Next reselect the remaining group and go to the Object menu > Clipping Mask > Release. Finally remove a fill and stroke value of None.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Reselect the newly created group and go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale… Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy. Fill the result with 100% black, send it backward and then move it 2px to the right.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select two both groups and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 160px by 160px object. Next go to the Effect menu > 3D > Rotate…In the 3D Rotate Options, enter the data as shown in the image and then click OK. While the result selected, go to the Object menu > Expand Appearance. Next ungroup the result and then go to the Object menu > Clipping Mask > Release. Remove a fill and stroke value of None.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place the red object to the correct position as shown in the first image. Next duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) it once time. Move the copy 38px to the left and then move it 2px up.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill the newly created object with R=43, G=37, B=34. Next select the remaining red object and then duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) it once time. Hide the copy, reselect the remaining red object and fill it with the radial gradient. Now reselect two both newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the third image below and then click OK. Next go to the Object menu > Blend > Make (Ctrl +Alt +B). Finally send the result to back

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Press (Ctrl +Alt +3) to show the red object hidden in the previous step. While the red object selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy. Next fill the result with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Check in the Uniform and enter a 95 percent in the Scale text box and then click Copy. Fill the result with the radial gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Check in the Uniform and enter a 75 percent in the Scale text box and then click Copy. Move the result 3px to the
left and then move 2px down. Next fill it with the linear gradient. Now duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl+F) the result once time and then hide the copy.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now reselect the red object and bring it to front (press Ctrl +Shift +Right Square Bracket). Fill this object with the radial gradient. While the result selected, go to the Effect menu > Texture > Gain… Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Next lowered its Opacity to 20%.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Press (Ctrl +Alt +3) to show the object hidden in the previous step and then bring this object to front. Next go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -3px in the Offset box and then click OK. Fill the result with the new linear gradient and add a 1px Stroke (R=31, G=35, B=32).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Reselect the newly created object and go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -3px in the Offset box and then click OK. Move the result 1px to the left and then fill it with the new linear gradient (Stroke =None).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a yellow object and then fill it with the linear gradient as shown below. Next create a curve and then add 1px stroke (R=244, G=124, B=76) (Fill =None)

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create an object and then fill it with R=247, G=154, B=113. Next go to the Effect menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 28px by 46px object and then place it to the correct position as shown in the first image. Keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Check in the Uniform and enter a 93 percent in the Scale box and then click Copy. Next move the result 1px down and then move it 8px to the right. Duplicate the result once time and then hide the copy. Now fill newly created objects with the linear gradient as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select two newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Press (Ctrl +Alt +3) to show the object hidden in the previous step. Duplicate this object once time and then move the copy 2px to the right. Next fill two yellow objects with the linear gradient as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve and then add a 1px Stroke (R=178, G=68, B=37) as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 16px by 26px object and then fill it with the linear gradient. Keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Check in the Uniform and enter a 90 percent in the Scale box and then click Copy. Next move the result 1px to the right and fill it with the new linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 4px by 6px object. Next duplicate the newly created object once time and then move the copy 2px to the right. Fill the newly created objects with the linear gradient. Next duplicate the smaller object once time and then hide the copy.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now reselect two both newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the first image below and then click OK. Next go to the Object menu > Blend > Make (Ctrl +Alt +B). Press (Ctrl +Alt +3) to show the object hidden in the previous step. Next fill this object with the new linear gradient as shown in the sixth image below. Finally select and group (Ctrl +G) two newly created objects.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate the newly created group seven times, resize copies a bit and then place them to the correct positions as shown below. Next select and group (Ctrl + G) all objects created from beginning step 1 to this time.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now pick the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create a curve as shown in the first image. Duplicate the curve once time, move the copy 3px up and then move it 42px to the left. Next send it backward. Based on two newly created curves, create two objects as shown in the third image (blue object) and the fourth image (red object).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill two newly created objects with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a yellow object as shown in the first image below. Next add a 3px Stroke (R=242, G=129, =70) (Fill = None). Reselect three newly created objects and then send them to back. Now select and group (Ctrl + G) all objects created from beginning step 1 to this time. Named for this group is "Front_Wheel".

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 2

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 100px by 160px object. While the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale… Check in the Uniform and enter a 65 percent in the Scale box and then click Copy. Next go to the Object menu > Transform > Move… Enter the data as shown below and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Pen tool (P) and use this tool to create a blue object as shown below. Next select and duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) two red objects once time. While the copies selected, hold down the Shift key, click on the blue object and then click on the Minus Front icon from the Pathfinder palette.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue with the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create a green object as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 3

Place the "Front_Wheel" group created in the step 1 to the correct position as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep this group selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Check in the Uniform and enter a 65 percent in the Scale box and then click Copy. Next place the copy to the correct position as shown in the image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 4

Now pick the Pen tool (P) and use this tool to create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue with the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create curves and then set their values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue with the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create objects and then set their values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then set their values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now use the Pen tool (P) to create a yellow objects. Open the Appearance palette and then set values as shown in the second image below. Next click on the Add New Stroke button at the bottom of the Appearance palette. Set values for the new stroke as shown in the third image below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue with the Pen tool (P). Create objects and then set their values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep working with the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve and then set its values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then fill them with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Pen tool (P). At the Properties bar, set values as: Stroke weight: 1px, Color Stroke: R=65, G=64, B= 66. Next use the Pen tool to create curves as shown below. Select and group (Ctrl +G) newly created curves. Next duplicate this group once time, change the color of the copy to R=35, G=31, B= 32 and then move it 1px to the left

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create curves and then set their values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes created from beginning step 4 to this time. Next put this group behind the front wheel as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 5

Based on the green object created in the step 2, create an object as shown below. Keep the newly created object selected, go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -7px Offset and then click OK. Next adjust the newly created object to get the result as shown in the third image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select two both newly created objects and then click on the Minus Front icon from the Pathfinder palette. Next fill the result with the radial gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

vinstantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue with the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create curves as shown below. Next open the stroke panel (Window > Stroke) and then set the values like you see in the second image

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 6

Continue use the Pen tool (P) to create objects and then fill them as shown below. Next select two newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the fourth image below and then click OK. Continue go to the Object menu > Blend > Make (Ctrl +Alt +B).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep working with the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create an object, fill it with R=35, G=31, B=32 and then send it to back (Ctrl +Shift +Left Square Bracket).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 7

Select the " Front_Wheel " group and go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Check in the Uniform and enter 95% in the box and then click Copy. While the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Move…Enter the data as shown in the image and then click OK. Next remove some objects to get the result as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Pen tool (P). Use this tool to create an object and then fill it with the linear gradient. Next reselect the "Front_Wheel" group and bring it to front.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 8

Continue use the Pen tool (P) to create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create curves as shown below. Next open the stroke panel (Window > Stroke) and then set the values like you see in the second image

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 9

Continue use the Pen tool (P) to create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a green object and then fill it with the linear gradient. Keep the result selected, go to the Effect menu > Stylize > Drop Shadow. Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next create a yellow object as shown in the first image and then add a 2px Stroke (R=241 , G=90, B=41) (Fill: None)

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create a blue object and then do the same as the previous step. In the end it should look like the second image shown.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 10

Create two curves as shown below and then apply gradient across stroke for them. Next send objects selecting as the second image to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Do the same as the previous step to create other similar objects.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next send objects selecting as the second image to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 11

Create objects as shown below and then fill them with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a yellow curve as shown in the first image. Open the Stroke panel (Window > Stroke) and then enter the data as shown in the second image. While the result selected, go to the Effect menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 5 pixel Radius and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then fill them with the linear gradient as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now create a yellow curve as shown below. Next duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) the newly created curve once time, move the copy 1px up and then move it 1px to the right. Finally change the color of the copy to R= 241, G=128, B=69.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select and group (Ctrl +G) two newly created curves. Keep this group selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Move…Enter -4px to the Horizontal box and then enter 0px to the Vertical box and then click Copy. Next press (Ctrl +D) some times to get the result as shown in the second image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now send objects selecting as shown in the first image to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 12

Create an object as shown below and then fill it with the radial gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create an object as shown below and then fill it with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve as shown below. Open the stroke (Window > Stroke) and then enter the data as shown in the second image. Next go to the Effect menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 5 pixel Radius and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create a red object and then fill it with the linear gradient. Keep the result selected, go to the Effect menu > Stylize > Drop Shadow. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve as shown below. Open the stroke (Window > Stroke) and then enter the data as shown in the second image. Next go to the Effect menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 5 pixel Radius and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create an object as shown below, fill it with the radial gradient and then put it behind the object created in the previous step.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Finally select all objects created in the step 11 and the step 12 and then send them to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create objects and then fill them with the linear gradient as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve as shown below. Open the stroke (Window > Stroke) and then enter the data as shown in the second image. Next go to the Effect menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 5 pixel Radius and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 7px by 13px object. Next rotate it an angle of about -7 degrees. Fill the result with the linear gradient and then add a 1px Stroke (R= 35, G=31, B= 32) (Width Profile 1).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep the newly created object selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy. Fill the result with the linear gradient (Stroke =None) and then move it 1px to the right. Reselect the newly created object, go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path…Enter a -1px Offset and then click Copy. Fill the result with the radial gradient and then move it 2px to the right.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Finally create an object as shown below, fill it with the linear gradient and then put it behind the "Chair" objects.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 13

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 40px by 60px object. Next rotate the object an angle of about 60 degrees. Place the result to the correct position as shown below. Keep the newly created object selected, then add a 6px Stroke (apply gradient across stroke).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue use the Ellipse tool (L) to create a 14px by 18px object. Next rotate the object an angle of about 60 degrees, then fill the result with the radial gradient and add a 1px Stroke (R= 65, G=64, B=66). Finally place it to the correct position as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Reselect the newly created object and go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy. Next move the result 2px down and then move it 1px to the left.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now create a line as shown below and then add a 6px Stroke (apply gradient across stroke) for this line.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create three lines as shown below and then add a 4px Stroke (Apply gradient across stroke) for them. Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all objects created in the step 13. Next put this group behind the object selected as shown in the third image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 14

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 50px by 50px object. While the newly created object selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale… Enter the data as shown below and
then click Copy. Next rotate the result an angle of about 15 degrees, move it 2px down and then move it 6px to the left. Finally duplicate the result once time and then hide the copy.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill the newly created object with R=35, G=31, B=32. Next fill the red remaining object with the radial gradient. Now select two both newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the third image below and then click OK. Next go to the Object menu > Blend > Make.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a yellow curve as shown below. Next open the Stroke panel (Window > Stroke) and then enter the data as shown in the second image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Show the red object hidden in the previous step. Duplicate this object once time and then hide the copy. Reselect the remaining object and go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -2px Offset and then click OK. Reselect two red objects and click on the Minus Back icon from the Pathfinder palette. Next fill the result with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a yellow curve and open the Stroke (Window > Stroke). Enter the data as shown in the second image below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Show the red object hidden in the previous step and then fill it with the radial gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate the result once time and then change the color of the copy to R=249, G=187, B=150. While the copy selected, go to the Effect menu > Sketch > Conte Crayon. Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click OK. Next change the Blendding Mode of the result to Color Burn

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate the newly created object once time and then remove the effect of the copy. Next go to the Effect menu > Sketch > Halftone Pattern. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Next lowered Opacity of the result to 90%.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select and lock three newly created objects. Next bring the object selecting as shown below to front.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select the Rounded Rectangle tool and then click on the document. When the Rounded Rectangle box appear, enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) the result eight times and then place the copies to the correct positions as shown in the second image. Next double click on the Rectangle tool icon from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Next place the result to the correct position as shown in the fourth image below. Select all red objects and the green object and then click on the Minus Back icon from the Pathfinder palette.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep the result selected, go to the Effect menu > Warp > Inflate. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Next go to the Object menu > Expand Appearance.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill the newly created object with the linear gradient. Next duplicate the result once time. Fill the copy with R= 35, G=31, B=32, move it 1px down and then move it 2px to the left.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Reselect the newly created object and go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -1px Offset and then click OK. Next fill the result with the linear gradient, move it 1px up and then move it 2px to the right. Finally lock this object.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select two newly created object and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Next unlock all objects (Object menu > Unlock all). Select and group (Ctrl +G) three newly created objects.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place this group to the correct postion as shown below. Next show the object hidden in the previous step. While this object selected, bring it to front (Ctrl +Shift +Right Square Bracket). Keep the object selected, hold down the Shift key and click on the newly created group and then go to the Object menu > Clipping Mask > Make. Next press (Ctrl +Left Square Bracket) four times to get the result as shown in the fifth image..

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create curves and then set the values as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all objects created in the step 14. Next rotate this group an angle of about 5 degrees.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now place the newly created group to the correct position as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 15

Pick the Rectangle tool (M). Use this tool to create two objects (38px by 630px) and (48px by 28px). Select two both newly created objects and click on the Horizontal Align Left button from the Align palette and then click on the Vertical Align Top button. Keep two objects selected, click on the Unite button from the Pathfinder palette. While the result selected, double click on the Shear tool from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the fourth image and then click OK. Finally select the bottom-right anchor point and move it 12px up.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Rectangle tool (M) and then use this tool to create a 14px by 630px object. Place this object to the correct position as shown in the first image. Select the bottom-left anchor point and move it 2px up. Next select the top-left anchor point and move it 2px down. Fill two newly created objects with the linear gradient. Next select and group (Ctrl +G) two results.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Keep the newly created group, go to the Object menu > Transform > Move…Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next move the result 15px up. Now pick the Direct Selection tool (A). Use this tool to select anchor points as shown in the second image and then move them 35px down.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then fill them as shown below.

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instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next create four red objects and then fill them with the linear gradient. Reselect four newly created objects and press (Ctrl +Left Square Bracket) some times to get the result as shown in the third image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 16

Create objects and then set the values as shown below.

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instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 17

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 21px by 5px object. Rotate this object an angle of about 5 degrees. Next fill the result with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) the newly created object once time. Move the copy 4px down and duplicate it once time and then hide the copy. Now reselect two newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Show the object hidden in the previous step and then fill it with the new linear gradient. Keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown in the fourth image and then click Copy. Next fill the result with the new linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Reselect the newly created object and go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown below and then click Copy. Move the result 3px up and then fill it with the new linear gradient. Keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Move… Enter the data as shoen in the second image and then click Copy. Now select two both newly created objects and then go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Next go to the Object menu > Blend > Make. Then send the result to back. Now group (Ctrl +G) all objects selecting as shown in the sixth image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place the newly created group to the correct position as shown below. Next create a yellow curve and then set the values as shown in the second image. Keep this curve selected, hold down the Shift key and click on the newly created group and then group (Ctrl +G) them.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) the newly created group twice times. Place the copies to the correct positions as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select and group (Ctrl +G) four newly created objects. Duplicate this group twice times and then place the copies to the correct positions as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 18

Now pick the Type tool (T). Use this tool to create the text " InstanShift". Next fill the text with R=252, G=225, B=201. Open the Character palette (Window > Type > Character) and then enter the data as shown below. Next rotate the text an angle of about -90 degrees. While the result selected, double click on the Shear tool icon from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place the newly created text to the correct position as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all objects created from beginning step 15 to this time. Next rotate this group an angle of about -2 degrees.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place the newly created group to the correct position as shown below. Next select the "Front_Wheel" group and bring it to front.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 19

Create a yellow object as shown below. Next fill it with the linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next create a curve and then set the values like you see in the image. Finally select two newly created objects and put them behind the " Front_Wheel" group.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 20

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 16px by 22px object. Next duplicate this object once time and then move the copy 9px to the right. While the newly created object selected, duplicate it once time and then move the copy 30px to the right.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create two objects (red and yellow) and then place them to the correct positions as shown below. Next select six newly created objects and double click on the Shear tool icon from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. While the results selected, rotate them an angle of about -12 degrees.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill two newly created objects with the linear gradient.

vinstantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill the left green object with the R=59, G=45, B=43. Next duplicate the result once time and then hide the copy. Next fill the remaining green object with R= 0, G=0, B=0. Select two filled ellipse objects and then go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Option. Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Show the object hidden in the previous step. Fill this object with the linear gradient and add a 0.5px Stroke (R=88, G=89, B=91).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now duplicate the object selecting as shown in the first image and then move the copy 10px to the right. Next select the ellipse added stroke and bring it to front. Keep this ellipse selected, hold down the Shift key and click on the newly created object and then go to the Object menu > Clipping Mask > Make. Next lowered the Opacity of the result to 30%.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Select the right blue object, duplicate it once time and then hide the copy. Fill the remaining blue objects as shown in the second image. Next reselect two both blue objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Option. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Continue go to the Object menu > Blend > Make.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create a curve and then set the values like you see in the image below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Show the blue object hidden in the previous step. Next add a 1px Stroke (R=128, G=130, B=133) for it. Duplicate this object once time and then fill the copy with R=66, G=43, B=25 (Stroke=None). While the newly created object selected, go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Fill the result with the radial gradient and add a 0.5px Stroke (R=35, G=31, B=32).

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all objects created in the step 20. Next rotate this group an angle of about -15 degrees.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place the newly created group to the correct position as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next create a yellow object and then fill it with R=0, G=0, B=0. Next put the result behind the newly created group. In the end your shape should look roughly like the second image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 21

Double click on the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the first image and then click OK. While the result selected, go to the Object menu > Expand Appearance. Next remove the bottom side. Reselect the remaining object and then double click on the Shear tool icon from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) the result twice times and then hide a copy. Next move the remaining copy 4px down and then move it 12px to the right. Adjust this copy to get the result as shown in the second image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Based on the two black objects, create two objects (green and blue) as shown below. Next show the object hidden in the previous step. Add a 4px Stroke (R=245, G=157, B=109) for this object and then bring it to front.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill objects (green and blue) with the linear gradient as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now select all objects created in the step 21 and rotate them an angle of about -3 degrees.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 22

Create objects and then fill them as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustratorv

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Create two lines and then set the values like you see in the image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create lines and then set the values like you see in the image.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 23

Pick the Ellipse tool (L). Use this tool to create a 45px by 45px object. While the object selected, double click on the Shear tool icon from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click OK. Duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) the result once time, move the copy 1px down and then move it 8px to the right.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Fill two newly created objects with the linear gradient. Next duplicate the right object once time and then hide the copy. Reselect two ellipse objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Show the object hidden in the previous step and then fill it with the new linear gradient. Keep the result selected, go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click Copy. Next move the result 2px to the right and fill it with the new linear gradient. Duplicate the result once time, move the copy 2px down and then move it 10px to the right. Next fill the result with the new linear gradient. Continue duplicate the result once time and then hide the copy. Reselect two newly created objects and go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options. Enter the data as shown in the fifth image and then click OK. Now show the object hidden in the previous step and then fill the object with the new linear gradient.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Pick the Polygon tool and click on the document. Enter the data as shown in the first image and then click OK. While the result selected, double click on the Shear tool icon from the Tool panel. Enter the data as shown in the second image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next place the result to the correct position as shown in the third image.Create objects (yellow and blue) as shown below and then remove the red object . Next fill the newly created objects with the linear gradient. Now group (Ctrl +G) all objects selected as shown in the fourth image. Next go to the Object menu > Transform > Scale…Enter the data as shown in the fifth image and then click OK.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Duplicate the newly created group three times and then place them to the correct positions as shown below. Next select and group (Ctrl +G) all objects created from the beginning step 21 to this time.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Place the newly created group to the correct position as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Step 24

Create objects as shown below and then fill them with R=0, G=0, B=0. Add the Blur effect for the newly created objects and then send them to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Continue create red objects and then fill them with the linear gradient as shown below.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Next add the Blur effect for the newly created objects and then send them to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Finally pick the Rectangle tool (M) and use this tool to create a 800px by 800px object. Next fill it with the linear gradient and then send it to back.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator

Now place the newly created object to the correct position as shown below.

Final Result

Here’s the final result. Hope you enjoy this tutorial.

instantShift - Create a Forklift Truck in Illustrator


As difficult as it looks I’m very sure if you follow my tutorial you will find a lot of help using your skills and images to produce your own creation! Ones again Thank you for using our tutorial, we will be very happy to answer any questions that you may have, You can simply leave a feedback and or a comment bellow.

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  1. I have no clue how to use this software. I’m not a web designer .. but I recognize the amount of work to build up such a tutorial.
    Just awesome !

  2. Well i must say that You must have Taken more time to write than to draw this in Illustrator actually. But i must say that you have Explained Forklift drawing very awesome way. Thanks

  3. what a great piece of work!!! my congrats

  4. Holy smokes! Awesome tutorial, great job.

  5. This is too good and well explained. The out come of the work is really nice and realistic. Thanks for the tut!

  6. Superb illustrator designing….thanks to share..

  7. well explained tutorial.very helpful for beginner and really thoughtful one

  8. Wow, that is brilliant tutorial. How much time does it take to create a tutorial?

  9. Thanks for your comments. It often takes many time to complete the tutorial. I hope the step-by-step tutorials help the beginners can complete the works of ourselves.

  10. Such a well explained article!!!! You have really shared a great piece of information for me.

  11. Wow!! Wonderful tutorial. I like your way of step by step explanation. This post will prove helpful for the beginners.

  12. I think, you are the best one..
    It is the first time i give the comment to this website, cause i never give comment to any website..

    Kindest Regards,

  13. Amazing work, I will definitely try it.

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