21 Free Music Players For Your Website and Blogs

For one reason or another, a lot of designers use Music Players on their website. An online Music player needs no more introductions for web developers or simple users. Online Music players offer you flexibility and creativity in building your own Jukebox on your Web spaces the way you want. You can add an unlimited number of songs and arrange them how you wish by the album title, artist’s name or year; it’s totally up to you! Everything from a simple music system to an iPod can be totally placed on your Website or Blog.

Nowadays, there are over hundred thousands of music related resources available on the web. Instead of spending time on researching for the ones you needed, we pick the some of the best website music player options freely available to use. Below, you’ll find a collection of Free Music Players For Your Website by which you can increase your productivity.

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Free Music Players For Your Website

Realizing the increasing demand of useful apps across the web, we regularly feature commercial and free software on instantShift, so decided it was time to bring a roundup of free website music related applications to your attention. Just keep in mind that this list isn’t a ranking list of web apps. So, let’s start with this compilation that every web developer, designer and freelancer should consider. You just need to follow few instruction and you’re all set for Listening music online. In this Post you can find your choice of free music player with all the necessary details.

01. Dewplayer

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Dewplayer is very cool and clean interface flash mp3 player. The flash animation is very light and easy to use. It downloads and plays the mp3 file when the play button is pressed.

It is under Creative Commons license. The usage is totally free even for commercial purposes (but not reselling it).

It Comes in 5 Sizes:

  • Mini (160×20)
  • Classic (200×20)
  • Multi (240×20)
  • Playlist (240×200)
  • Bubble (250×65)

How to install:

You can simply use the HTML example code, and set the mp3 argument. Use 44.1 Khz encoded mp3 files for better playing. Here’s a demo with the file test.mp3 in the same directory.

1<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf"   width="200" height="20" id="dewplayer" name="dewplayer">
2<param   name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf" />
3<param name="flashvars"   value="mp3=test.mp3" />
4<param name="wmode" value="transparent"   />

Else you can generate the HTML code directly for their site also.

Official Link

02. MP3 Player

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MP3 Player is a flash Music player for MP3 files. It’s an open source Music player which can be customized and integrated you’re your websites easily. It has 5 different versions that allow you to integrate it the way you like which also allows users to choose their tracks from multiple files.

It Comes in 5 Sizes:

  • Mini
  • Normal
  • Maxi
  • Multi
  • JS

How to install:

For Detailed installation please refer this LINK

Official Link

03. Podsnack Music Players

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PodSnack is a music playlist maker that allows you to create custom players. Once created, the flash mp3 players can be shared, embedded or downloaded both as SWF files for HTML websites and flash components for full-flash websites.

How to install:

Three simple steps: add your songs, customize the player to your tastes and publish it.

Official Link

04. Flash MP3 Player

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Flash MP3 Player is a free application that allows you to play music on your website easy and fast. You won’t need any programming skills to install or use it. Just embed it into your website and player will automatically scan a specified folder and form a playlist. Flash MP3 Player comes with following features.

  • easy installation
  • standard player controls
  • forms playlist automatically
  • customizable design
  • fully resizable

How to install:

The installation guide is included with the Mp3 player .zip file named as “readme.html”.

Official Link

05. XSPF Web Music Player

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XSPF Web Music Player is a flash-based web application that uses xspf playlist format to play mp3 songs. XSPF is the XML Shareable Playlist Format. The software is written in Actionscript 2.

It comes in three versions.

  • Extended version
  • Slim version
  • Button version

How to install:

The basic HTML example code is :

1<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="<strong>400</strong>" height="<strong>170</strong>"  data="<strong>http://yourdomain.com/xspf_player.swf</strong>?playlist_url=<strong>http://yourdomain.com/yourplaylistlist.xspf</strong>">  <param name="movie"   value="<strong>http://yourdomain.com/xspf_player.swf</strong>?playlist_url=<strong>http://yourdomain.com/yourplaylistlist.xspf</strong>" />  </object>

Official Link

06. Macromedia Flash MP3 Music Player

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This flash music player can play up to 25 of your favorite mp3’s continuously. You can make the music automatically play or have a manual start. Click the button on the left to pause the music and click it again to continue play. It will match your website because you can customize the music player using html color codes. You can customize the following :

  • change the movie background color
  • change the player background color
  • define the number of MP3’s that play up to 25
  • define your MP3 song titles up to 25
  • define autostart or manual start
  • define the scrolling titles color
  • define the song title window color
  • define the outer and inner panel color
  • define the color of the dots surrounding the player
  • define the button color
  • define track time elapsed color

How to install:

Basic instructions are included with the player .zip file.

Official Link

07. Website Music Player

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Easily add music to your Web site with this advanced flash mp3 player and stream your music with style. No programming knowledge required. Simply upload your Mp3s to the MP3 directory and the songs are automatically added to the playlist. Then just copy-and-paste the code into any Web page. Features include collapsible playlist, graphic equalizer, volume control, song position slider, percentage of song loaded display, reliable buffering and song control buttons (previous song, play, pause, stop, and next song). This new version is unaffected by the recent Internet Explorer update that disables flash movie controls.

How to install:

All the necessary instructions are included with the player .zip file.

Official Link

08. FLAMPlayer

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FLAMPlayer is an mp3 player built in Flash, and so, it can be embedded in an Html page. It works using PHP and MySQL. The database stores the authors and tracks characteristics, the PHP scripts manage the communication between the Flash player and the MySQL database.

FLAM Player includes a back-end allowing the fast addition of tracks, the edition of authors or tracks characteristics, the creation of playlists and the simple integration of the player in a page.

How to install:

For detailed installation please refer this LINK

Official Link

09. Zanorg Player

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If you looking for not so complicated and yet another website MP3 player which can play only single file of your need then zanorg player is the best option.

How to install:

  • Place the downloaded file “zplayer.swf” on your website, where you want to put it in your page.
  • To insert the Zanorg player in your page, use the following code, or create your custom code with the online generator.
  • Modify “file.mp3” with the url of your mp3 file (ex : http://www.yourdomain.com/file.mp3 or /music/music1.mp3 )
1<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="zplayer.swf?mp3=<strong>file.mp3</strong>"   width="200" height="20"/><param name="movie" value="zplayer.swf?mp3=<strong>file.mp3</strong>"/></object>

Official Link

10. Website MP3 player – DNeX FMP256

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This unique Flash application lets you put a fast, small and reliable playlist-driven MP3 player on your website. It can play up to six MP3 tracks from anywhere on the Web, delivered to all the major web browsers and mobile platforms that support Flash Player 8 or above.

How to install:

All the necessary instructions are included with the player .zip file.

Official Link

11. Silverlight Audio Player

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Silverlight Audio Player is a simple audio player that can be used for playing back one or more audio files. It currently supports two styles of player. The first plays a single file. The second allows you to play multiple files.

How to install:

You need the AudioPlayer.xap file, and optionally an XML playlist file. Once you have those, you can load the Silverlight application in the same way you would any other. Remember to set up the size appropriately, and pass in the MP3 file Url or Playlist Url in the Initparams (see below). By convention, Visual Studio likes XAP files to be stored in a ClientBin folder. You do not need to do this, and if you don’t, you will need to adjust the relative paths from the examples shown below (i.e. no need for ..\ on your Urls).

Using the Single Player:

To use the single player, simply pass init params following the to your silverlight object. The single player should be sized 295 pixels wide and 30 pixels high.

InitParams: Url=http://www.mydomain.com/audio/song-1.mp3,Artist=Artist Name,Title=Song title

Using the Multiple Player:

The multi-player is still a work in progress. To launch the player with multiple files, you need to point it at a playlist. A playlist is
an XML file containing the Url, Artist and Title for each track you wish to play.

1< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
3  <audiofile url="http://www.wordandspirit.co.uk/blog/audio/01-opposition-and-joy.mp3" title="Opposition and Joy" artist="Mark Heath">
4  <audiofile url="http://www.wordandspirit.co.uk/blog/audio/you-have-always-given.mp3" title="You have always given" artist="Mark Heath">
5  <audiofile url="http://www.wordandspirit.co.uk/blog/audio/dont-look-at-me.mp3" title="Don't Look at Me" artist="Mark Heath">
6  <audiofile url="http://www.wordandspirit.co.uk/blog/audio/holy-spirit-will-you-be.mp3" title="Holy Spirit Will You Be" artist="Mark Heath">

Official Link

12. flowplayer

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

The audio plugin lets you stream MP3 data into Flowplayer. Flowplayer can automatically load the audio plugin when it encounters a clip whose file name ends with MP3 or mp3. It loads the file from the same folder from which the player was loaded.

How to install:

For detailed installation please refer this LINK

Official Link


Free Music Player Plugins for WordPress Blogs

13. Dewplayer

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

Dewplayer WordPress plugin allows you to insert DewPlayer (a free flash mp3 Player, under Creative Commons licence) in posts or pages and lets you listen to your favorite MP3 songs online.

Dewplayer exists in 3 versions: Mini, Classic and Multi (configurable in admin panel).

Official Link Download Plugin

14. WordPress Audio Player

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

Audio Player is a highly configurable but simple mp3 player for all your audio needs. It’s Features include :

  • configurable colour scheme to match your blog theme
  • volume control
  • right-to-left layout switch for Arabic and Hebrew language sites
  • many options such as autostart and loop
  • ID3 tag support (custom track info also available)

How to install:

For detailed installation please refer this LINK

Official Link Download Plugin

15. XSPF Web Player

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

If you got webhosting server that has little space, and cannot store tracks online. Than this is the right type of music player which is just like a flash player which can be embedded into your web pages and which reads mp3 files via HTTP anywhere on the internet. The XSPF web player does exactly that, and is licensed GPL. It’s Features include :

  • Works under Linux and Windows (and probably on every PC with a flash-compatible browser).
  • Plays local and remote MP3 music (HTTP)
  • Autostart playing and autorepeat if desired.
  • Song and Categories database managed from the Options menu
  • 3 player modes selectables.
  • Track order defined by user.
  • Inline (on the fly) parameter customization.

Official Link Download Plugin

16. Taragana’s Del.icio.us mp3 Player

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

This plugin makes any mp3 links (in post or page or any other location in your blog) playable directly on your webpage. In addition, your visitors will have the opportunity to easily tag and post the mp3 link to del.icio.us. This script is extremely lightweight, as is the flash movie that plays on demand. Must-have for podcasters or anyone who wants to allow blog visitors to play mp3 files on the website itself.

Official Link Download Plugin

17. WPaudio

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

If you are not a great fan of flash that you might goanna like this. In their own words “Deactivate that lame Flash player and install a plugin that makes you proud to embed mp3s. WPaudio installs in seconds, looks great, and is easy to use.”

You can convert all mp3 links, just the ones you specify, or you can use tags with advanced download options. Customize font, size, and colors right from WordPress. WPaudio was written for performance. It uses the WordPress’s built-in scripts and the lightweight SoundManager2 library which Won’t slow down your website.

Official Link Download Plugin

18. Flash MP3 Player

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

This plugin can display a highly customizable MP3 player on your sidebar, in a single post page or any other places on your blog pages.

Now, this plugin use JW MP3 player v2.3 as its core. It provides a lot of features that last version doesn’t have :

  • Shuffle the play list.
  • Display an album cover when playing a song.
  • Change the color scheme.
  • Set the custom background image.
  • Multiple configuration files and play lists.
  • Insert to other place of your page with shortcode or template tag.

Official Link Download Plugin

19. Wimpy MP3 Player

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

Wimpy streaming audio mp3 player is the easiest way to present streaming audio content on your web page or web server. Wimpy makes streaming audio from your Web site a snap — without having to install cumbersome streaming server software. Wimpy is by far the most flexible online audio player.

How to install:

  1. Install and test Wimpy to ensure that Wimpy works properly on your server.
  2. Add the necessary PHP code to your template/theme so that your pages can display the player.
  3. Configure, install and activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.

For detailed installation guide please refer this LINK

Official Link

20. MP3 Player Plugin

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

This is a great way to get your music out there either through just listening or having some music on your site.

How to install:

For detailed installation guide please refer this LINK

Official Link Download Plugin

21. Flowplayer for WordPress

instantShift - Free Music Players For Your Website

Flowplayer is an Open Source Audio player for the Web. Use it to embed audio streams into your web pages.

How to install:

For detailed installation guide please refer this LINK

Official Link Download Plugin

Find Something Missing?

While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that we missed some other free web music players. Feel free to share it with us.

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  1. @opl – Things been updated. Thanks for the heads up.

    • Guess you need to update the list. Still, thanks. some of them are still working.

    • There is also this one: sheepproductions.com/billy/

      It’s a great music player that I believe should be added to this list. :D

  2. Superb resources. Thanks for sharing. you save me hours of Googleing.

  3. Yahoo Media Player is another good one that builds the playlist based off any mp3 link in your markup. It also adds a play button next to all of the MP3 links.


  4. This article has been shared on favSHARE.net. Go and vote it!

  5. Thanks! This is what I was looking for!

  6. Nice collection.Thanks for sharing.


  7. I’ve been using DewPlayer on my own site and I can say it’s a great web-based player. No big problems until now :-)

  8. “18. Flash MP3 Player” is my weapon of choice, usually because it’s the easiest to customise and tweak to a site’s colour scheme and has a good balance between minimalist and functional.

    My main question though is, why are so many of these players so damn ugly?!

  9. Don’t forget the 1-bit player. I like it. It sports a minimal design – http://1bit.markwheeler.net/. I use it for most of my tracks on my site.

  10. I would have the volume set to max, pumping out Lady Gaga!!

  11. Though music players are never good to be on websites unless it’s a band’s website, thanks for sharing (:

  12. I never used any music playr on my websites, but is a good idea to use it on personal blog, to make it more personal.

    Thanks for the great number of choices.

  13. here is another one


  14. Thanks! This post informative think.

  15. Hello,

    It’s a really nice article.
    Indeed a free Music player solution is missing: Radionomy! Hé héhé
    Radionomy allows everybody to create it’s own webradio for free. Today, there are 3000 webradios on the website, playing various musical styles from Disco to Rock, Jazz to Hip-Hop, ans so on…

    It’s really easy to export these radios to you website using our exportable player solution.

    I suggest you to give a try!

    Thanks again for this nice article !


  16. Thanks for the collection. Bookmarked.

  17. I was looking for it! Thanks! Great roundup.

  18. Awesome Post! Really needed this for my new clientele :)

  19. This is very nice post i like it

  20. Thanks for the list i was searching for it,

  21. This is awesome..and just what i was looking for!!

    Just out of interest, has anyone installed Dewplayer? Is it easy for a client with no WordPress knowledge to update?hmm….

    any feedback would be appreciated! :)

    thanks for a great list!!

  22. I am trying to allow people to listen to some example mp3s on my wwebsite, Gsstudios but seem to be having a problem finding the right player. I thank you for your article but found that when I visited some of the sites, they were not free. I wouldn’t mind paying for them, I just don’t have the money right now. What do you think about the google player? Or maybe the Yahoo Player?

  23. I have always found [..URL..]tunedungeon.com to be an excellent source to post music players in my blog posts. The site gives the html to embed the song or player.

  24. one little free player is Nifty Player, here is the link

    • This is a great little player. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Sweet! :)

  26. Very good list of Promotional ideals.

  27. Can I upload my own music to these players or are they all streaming only?

    Also, do these players work on the free WordPress blogs or do I have to have my own site?

  28. These look nice but I want to sell my music from my site I tryed the a4desk and it’s garbage, dose anyone know of a good one

  29. I have recently been developing a new Flash MP3 player for websites.

    It uses a text file to refer to the .mp3 files and is aimed at beginner web site owners with little or no experience with databases or server scripting.

    I’m working on increasing the range of styles. If anyone has any requests, please leave a reply here or contact me at the details on my website at


  30. Great selection of players here – thanks. Just what am looking for!

  31. Hi, there is also free flash media player Video/Audio (XSPF)



  32. This is a cool post! Really handy. Thanks!

  33. superb selection of players

  34. Great list. Thank a lot!

  35. I hope the next post about a video player with playlists

  36. i try so Many of these plugin for my site to play mp3 files with Hebrew extensions – as a direct link player!

    non of them work for me.
    this is the only one i find ut its not working in IE :(
    im LOST ….

  37. Hey very very thanks.

  38. Ples add song my site

  39. Join now ?

  40. hello Sir I want wav file player for my web site.

  41. I’m on the search for a suitable music player for my website and came across this article. Thanks for sharing this nice collection.

  42. Dkumar,

    Super list, do you have a preferred player, or is really just a “what do you want to use it for” type thing?


  43. This is a great resource. I am just wondering if there is the opportunity to post your own original music for sale, like .99 per track. Is this possible? and can they pay directly to paypal…?

    Maria Jacobs

  44. How do you install or embed these flash players like Dewplayer or flam. I am puzzled on how to install(and embed ) them.
    Can someone help?

    Also is there an alternative incase my flash isn’t working ?

  45. I use the Anarchy Media Player for my single files and the JW player for my multiple.

    You can see them in action here: susiechan.com

    The Anarchy Player doesn’t appear until you click on “play”, and the JW playlist player is at the page bottom.

  46. Thanks for the helpful information!!!!

  47. I have finished work on the Chameleon MP3 Player V1.3

    Please let me know if you like it, or what features you would add or remove.

  48. It is a very good mix.
    Thank you

  49. or what features you would add or remove.14

  50. After trying some of these cool selections I have found an EASIER music player that’s universal and FREE for all sites. So far seems like unlimited track playlist?? check my web page for a quick sample.

    quick example: pro-soundproductions.com

    official site for player: soundcloud.com

  51. Thank you very much for sharing. This is phantastic! You safed me so much time for searching. Thanx a lot!

  52. Thanks so much for the list.
    Bookmarked and shared :)

  53. it’s nice

  54. Ii is nice but can we talk listen Indian Music (classical music)

  55. PinkinMusic – Sound Audio MP3 Player Adobe Flex AIR AS3 source code available – [.mxml] http://t.co/vgZ6UYph

  56. Another nice MusicPlayer http://www.pinkin.ch

  57. please add my website also in the list. flash video player list not audio . thanks

  58. This is great of you…… This post is the best have found in this regard. Thanks so much.

  59. How about adding DarkOnyx Player (http://darkonyx.web-anatomy.com/en) to the list? This player supports both FLASH&HTML5 mode and is free for commercial usage too!

  60. Thanks for the info! This post and information is so awesome. Saves so much time searching for such music players. I was/am mostly interested in nice listening while browsing – music small player – for background use – on my WP blog, that is royal-free, and can be set to manual or auto play. Are these players in the list above royalty-free? Plus, which ones are free to use on my blog? Or did I miss something? I bookmarked this page anyway & shall return soon to test a few ‘free ones’ out. Any feedback will be appreciated… Thanks a million again!

    P.S. I love & appreciate knowing about them all anyways, of course… :-)

  61. Wow…great list. Much appreciated resource. I’m planning to create up a new site where this will be very much helpful for me.

    Thanks a lot!

  62. It’s an amazing list of free website players, it saves a lot of google searching for these, lol! But I wonder if there is any free mp3 flash player that is also secure? There is Secure TSPlayer but is not free! And the few players that I tryed from this page, they all alow to download the mp3 files. If people have a download program like Internet Download Manager, or even free download manager programs like Free Download Manager, they will be able to download the files. Does anyone knows a secure mp3 flash player? Or some player that can give a really egghead for those who try to take the mp3’s from the site?

    • I’m looking for the same thing. Does anyone know of one? I was thinking that perhaps encoding the mp3 files with drm (digital rights management) would block IDM from being able to download the files, but I have to test this.

  63. Thanks for any other magnificent post. The place else may just anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect approach of writing? I’ve a presentation subsequent week, and I’m at the search for such info.

  64. Version 1.4 of the Chameleon MP3 player is now ready.

    It is suitable for all levels of web masters who wish to present their music to their visitors.

  65. Can any of these provide a MP3 Store for downloads

  66. Wondering if there is a streaming only player that has a buy now button that links to paypal for a band website? Thanks for any help.

  67. Superb…

  68. Just a FYI for those whom have stated its never good to have audio on a site – You’re wrong.

    Having audio is not the issue, it’s how you implement audio that is the issue and why having a player is key. Never have audio automatically play – even on a music site. that turns off people and is annoying – however having audio in which the end user controls and decides whether they want to play the sound is fine and not a problem and believe it or not if your a commercial site can increase conversions. (and why having the player is key – this allows you to control the sound to not autoplay)

    I’ve built web sites since 1994 and I have a site on fish (yep fish) and the sales page has a small audio file. That small audio file is embedded in a flash player so the person visiting has an option to play it or not (I never have anything auto play) and guess what – that little audio increases my conversions and sales quite nicely (and I make thousands per month off this site and have tested it without the player – the player helps it adds sales)

    Just a little info and tips for those whom may wonder about audio and players on a site.

    Take it or leave it.. just sayin’

  69. Hi,
    Which player do you recomment that is compatible with all types of operating systems (specially when I need to run my website on iPad and iPod that doesn’t support Flash)?

    Thanks for the assist!

  70. Well, so far I tried DewPlayer, does not work on iOS devices, I try many of this player, but only one have like on many devices: Jquery JPlayer. Works swell on iOS and all OS. Only drewback is the big amount of pixels used to make a playlist on jplayer

  71. If you want free royalty free music for your website with embed code visit this link.

    this is for legally music on your website without paying any royalties

  72. Now the visitor has listened the song or music or audio.How does the visitor download that music to local computer. Is there any software above that allows that. e.g click here to download song.

  73. I use great free audio plugin for my WordPress blogs and for other CMS websites
    Cincopa audio player for website:

  74. if someone dosent have flash player installed,,will it work o the website??

  75. Hi

    I used to use Premium Beat players and they were excellent. Just come up with a problem with CPU usage according to my hosting provider therefore need a new, free MP3 player for my website. I need a playlist for about 10 songs and also a mini player for just 30sec tracks.

    I have looked at PodSnack, what are peoples thoughts with this company, or are there any other ones better?

    Also, what happens if your PC/notepad/ipad etc doesn’t support Flash players?


  76. you should add the webplayer of yahoo

  77. somebody can give me advice, i have site ; http://www.mp3us.com << what good Free flash mp3 player for my site?? i'm very interest like hulkshare player..

    Please, help me, where can i get it??


  78. this is a quality collection for web music players for web builders, so i will promote your post for free!

    • btw, this is my site page appnee.com

  79. Thanks alot abour your article

  80. hi, can i know, how to make music player unseen, i need a lot of space in my blog? help me.

    • Do you want the music to play over and over again, or for a preset or random track to play after the first one? This can be done using JavaScript and HTML5.

      If you would prefer to use Flash, I can build something.

  81. great post been looking for an mp3 player for my s=website for beat/instrumentals

  82. Hi! I’m looking for a player that’ll play xml/rss feeds, like the Podcast Pickle player. Something that plays a feed using the different items in the feed as tracks, so folks can select which episode of the show they wanna listen to at any given point. I’d just use Podcast Pickle’s Pickle Player, but there’s some weird overlapping image and formatting issues, and it’s not customizable (even if I go into the code and change the item widths). I’d love something that allows you to customize the look, but -especially the width and size. Do you know of anything that might work..?

    Thanks so much!

  83. excellent post, thanks so much!

  84. Hi,

    Anyone knows a plugin mp3 player with playlist and lyrics together?

    If so, please let me know

  85. thanks……….. very useful

  86. Thanks dude. mediaplayer yahoo is dead.

  87. this was crap! I can’t find what I need!

  88. It is really helpful and great players whether it is word press plugins or HTML-css codes.

    This is a great resource to find players for your website.

    saves to much time searching all over the various sites and getting not satisfactory results.

  89. They all seem to be ‘Flash Players’. I’m looking for a simple Media player that will work on ALL devices (yes iPhones and iPads too) so that rules out Flash based media players.

    Does anyone know of a simple Media player to put on a website that is not Flash based? It doesn’t have to have many features, just be able to work on all web browsing devices.

    • I could write a version of the Chameleon MP3 Player in HTML5.

  90. Yes I agree very good information and saved us alot of time just searching for all these.
    Very helpful and will try to use but this is new to me so will appreciate the help.

  91. This article has a lot of unique and quality information. Please make the next post here, I’ll be waiting for that.

  92. A brand new, excellent free music player for your website which is very simple to integrate is SonicHits: sonichits.com. You can find easy integration instructions in the footer of their homepage.

  93. SCM Music Player!

  94. The best collection i have found on the web, thanks

  95. I need a player with download any help will be much appreciated

  96. Wow, I never realized how many players were out there. It’s so hard to choose. I want one that has a playlist to select from. I also need to download the music I want to play. I have bookmarked your site to come back after I have downloaded the music I want. I don’t want anyone to be able to download the songs from my website, either. Any suggestions as to what would work with WordPress website?
    Thanks for sharing this information, I appreciate it!

  97. i just liked this page it has the list i wanna integrate in my site, i will tell u the experience, so far i ve seen dew player its awesome

  98. thanks……….. very useful

  99. Excellent post, thanks so much!

  100. Good post. I uncover out something quite complicated on diverse blogs every day. It will always be stimulating you just read content material off their writers and practice a bit there. I could see many freelancing site coming to pace these days such as gicree.com, zopaudios.com, elance.com and many others.

  101. i want to put music on the backgound of my website. which will just start playing whenever somebody clicks or opens my page. i need help. thanks

    • In your music player, you have to adjust the code for autoplay to true. According to how your player is coded, the code for true will either be a value of true or a value of 1.

      Or, sometimes autoplay = “autoplay”.

      But you have to find out what kind of player you are using and then google and find how to set it’s autoplay value.

  102. tnx a lot
    I used in my website.

  103. These players are all very well, but they all seem to be flash-based. Does this mean they won’t work on ipads, unless the millions of people using ipads/iphones download special flash-enabling apps?
    Are there any worthwhile non-flash music players for websites?

  104. this is so nice . i appreciate it.

  105. thanks sir, very helpful

  106. The great list of music player. Thanks for Sharing

  107. Seriously! flash??? id rather stick with the html5 mp3 player then use a crap flash mp3 player

  108. Thank you for sharing the information with us it was very informative!

  109. Great Article! Thank you for sharing this is a very informative post, and looking forward to the latest one

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