We all love desktop wallpapers as they always come in handy and you will always find a wallpaper to express your feelings or mood. I know some of my friends who keep changing their desktop background almost on a daily basis. Unless like me, who rarely change their desktop wallpaper. So, How about you? When was the last time you changed desktop background?
In this post we present amazing collection of dual-screen wallpapers related to nature, photography, patterns, illustrations, HDR as well as some abstract and fantasy-related wallpapers. Hopefully, everybody will find something interesting to spice up his or her desktop. All wallpapers can be downloaded for free from their original source.
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Amazing Dual-Screen Wallpapers To Spice Up Your Desktop
Wallpapers can serve as an excellent source of inspiration. Infect, we, designers, can derive inspiration from almost everything around, and this collection can fulfills your wallpaper inspiration related needs as we can promise you that when you start browsing them further in details it will surely refresh your memory and force you to download any or all for your desktop right now.s
While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that we missed some other great wallpaper. Feel free to share it with us.
Great collection… but i need some for a triple screen setup. :)
great stuff i love it
@Markus – Consider it done… we already are working on triple screen wallpapers :)
These are great, Thanks so much! As for triple screens… I aspire!
This article has been shared on favSHARE.net.
Cool dual screen wallpapers! I am using dual screen and these wallpapers should be able to fulfill my requirement! Great collection!
Good collection
Nice collection, shared this post with Twitter and http://www.SmashingPost.com
Wow, those HDR are really nice! But I can’t imagine somebody to have “Digg” on his wallpapaer.
Nice collection.
Very nice collection, I’m glad that one of my pictures is in the list!
really nice collection. Will try it out. I also change my wallpaper rarely so it wwould be good for me
wow… thanks.
Great collection! But your post picture on the homepage showcase a ladybug wallpaper that I can’t find in the list. Any idea where is this picture from? Thanks!
very nice collection of wallpapers…i love them a lot
really nice wallpapers post, some of them i like
Baumann Laurent – The main Article image is a stock photo taken from online stoke image provider.
What amazing article, i just download some of those magnifique wallpapers.
These are absolutely beautiful!. Thank you.
Hi there,
Excellent collection, thanks for sharing.
Eddie Gear
Excellent drop!!..Thanks for putting this collection together, WOW!
Those are the best wallpapers I’ve seen just about anywhere, beautiful catch, and I don’t even have duel screens.
Wow!!! Amazing! Beautiful! Don’t know which one to choose first!
really nice collections. All are wonderful. thanks for sharing.
great stuff. i really like the makro shot of water drop.
Excellent collection
scary wallpaper
You have a remarkable collection indeed. Keep it up
Great collection BUT most of these come from DeviantArt, I see many links in your post from sites that stole these backgrounds.
refreshing list
thnx for sharing….nice stuff
The tiger one is so cool…not a cat guy or anything its just cool!
your picture is very beautiful and amazing
Needless to say – Awesome collection. Many thanks for sharing this beautiful resource. It is very difficult to select the best wallpaper. All are equally nice :)
Truly amazing wallpapers.
cool collections even look better on new windows 7
6 multimonitor wallpapers free http://vipwallpapers.altervista.org/wallpapers/browse_by_size/multi
You provide enriched information for us,thank u.
great landscapes i think its a great collection of wallpapers taken with a good framing
mmm… very beautiful..
More resourses abiut dual screen wallpapers there [..URL..]
Could you package it into a single zip file? 115 is ALOT to go through!!!!
oh nice article i like it , i am a teacher of english as a second language and i do feel the content of your article so much.
Hello, thank you for sharing, I would agree with you as well..this is what I do. Hope you are well.
What is the resolution of triple screen wallpapers?
Awesome collection…i just love it………….
Great site, but the Guinness link is down! :( :(
excellent collections – really like it
Really amazing collection of dual screen wallpapers, thanks!
Wow what a amazing collection. I keep them all with me. Thanks for shearing this.
thank you for all these beautiful wallpapers.
Really amazing collection of dual screen wallpapers, thanks!
Yes very nice collection, I just can not put them on my two monitors, the picture is reproduced twice, instead of a single image??
I’m on windows 7.