With the sheer number of web design company and freelance websites out there, it’s easy to see unoriginal and uninspiring website designs but in my opinion one of the most interesting aspects to any design site is how they approach their ‘our work’ or ‘portfolio’ page.
Designing of Portfolio is a quite difficult job for an artist as he needs to show his ability of design in his showcase which leads him to get busy with new clients.
There are so many creative ways to lay out your work, whether it’s web, graphic or video and you can see some great examples in this roundup of sexy our work pages provided by fallow designers and developers.
There are thousands of online ‘our work’ pages around and it’s really hard to select few. Still some designer’s work which however, reaches beyond the simple design work to a piece of art and the result is so wonderful then a regular web design that it made his work memorable.
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55 Sexy “Our Work Page” Designs
Throughout history, great artists always found new ways to show their creativity to express themselves and create new trends and techniques to remark their work apart from the rest of the crowd. The Definition of design is more critical in modern terms as now design is a way of communication; and, more specifically, Web design is a well define platform for content. There is no “Good” and “Bad” in design. It always define as a “Different”.
While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that we missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us.
Thanks for the feature! However, you seem to have gotten the names messed up starting from around number 16.
@Sean Geng – Thanks for the info… Post updated.
Amazing collection, loving n.5 Brilliancy.
This is a great list to get ideas and inspiration from. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. ; )
Thanks :-)
these are nice.. thanks.!
Nice site~
Thx for featuring EyeDraw :)
wow. what a list. that’s really impressive and inspiring, thanks for sharing :-)
Very Nice~~ thank you for shared..
Some inspiring stuff here, thanks :)
Awesome designs
Brilliant work. thanks for sharing
Excellent showcase. Certainly is extensive :)
Thanks for the feature. There are a ton of great sites listed. Keep the inspiration coming.
o_O WellInspiringStuff !Thx
When I am in net always visit your site and read your articles.Its nice…
check out also MY WORKS :
Enjoy :)
Really useful for people who want to make an online portfolio….
Thanks for the ad! We’re honored to be a part of such a great list! Great articles too, by the way! You’ve got a great thing going here at instantShirt!
Thanks for featuring our site! What a fantastic group of work to be associated with – we’re flattered!
Thanks for posting brilliancy.eu
Wow, great list of sites. Thankyou for posting!
very cool collection!
Really like 05. Brilliancy, nice clean look.
Great collection there, most of them stiull look good over 2 years on.
Check out Thomas Prior’s (No 30) re-designed website, we very much like the re-sizeable imagery.
I like the Siebel Null website. Love the B&W and the yellow contrast.
Great list here – sieben null’s site is a fantastic site, great approach to navigating around a site with a twist!
i wish to have a website , do you take such orders ? kindly tell
Very good. Thanks a lot
Inspiring article. Loads of inspiration here. . I am glad to have found this post as it’s such an interesting one. I am always on the lookout for quality posts and articles so i suppose I am lucky to have found this. I hope you will be adding more in the future. I particularly like number 37.
Inspiring article. Thanks for sharing such a great list of these creative designs. However, these designs are great for inspiration. I particularly like number 25. I hope you will be adding more interesting designs in the future.