Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it’s also known for fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. Or in developer’s words “write less, Do more”.
Now days jQuery is on top of its charm and everyone from Javascript world love to experiment with it. Because of the remarkable significance of JQuery in Designing field, it is an essential to keep yourself up-to-date with its Quality uses and Examples.
In this article, we’ll take a look at Various jQuery Tutorials for your source of inspiration.
For those, who don’t know what is jQuery? and what it can do? the please follow the link below for brief introduction.
You may be interested in the following related articles as well.
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Excellent jQuery Tutorials
01. jQuery for Absolute Beginners: The Complete Series

02. jQuery Tutorials for Designers

03. Facebox : Facebook-style lightbox

04. Creating a “Filterable” Portfolio with jQuery

05. Building a jQuery-Powered Tag-Cloud

06. jquery Hover Sub Tag Cloud

07. Exactly How to Create a Custom jQuery Accordion

08. Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery

09. Learn How to Create a jQuery Plugin

10. Jquery Fade In.Fade Out

11. Fading Menu – Replacing Content

12. Fade-in Spoiler Revealer

13. Creating a Dynamic Poll with jQuery and PHP

14. Creating accessible charts using canvas and jQuery

15. Create a Photo Admin Site Using PHP and jQuery

16. Use jQuery with Google Analytics to Track Clicks on Outgoing Links From Your Site

17. How to Load In and Animate Content with jQuery

18. Create an Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML

19. Adding to Our Leopard Desktop with jQuery

20. Leopard Desktop with jQuery using jqDock

21. How To Create An Amazing jQuery Style Switcher

22. Style Sheet Switcheroo

23. Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery

24. Adding Form Validation to WordPress Comments using jQuery

25. Evening Tip: Use jQuery To Retrieve Data From An XML File

26. Improved Current Field Highlighting in Forms

27. Create an apple style menu and improve it via jQuery

28. LavaLamp for jQuery lovers!

29. Create A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery

30. Tabbed Content using jQuery and WP_Query

31. Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery

32. jQuery Tabs

33. How To Create A ‘Mootools Homepage’ Inspired Navigation Effect Using jQuery

34. Slide out and drawer effect

35. Creating a Floating HTML Menu Using jQuery and CSS

36. Building a Better Blogroll: Dynamic Fun with SimplePie and jQuery

37. WordPress Sidebar Turned Apple-Flashy Using jQuery UI

38. Build a Basic Newspaper style layout with WordPress and jQuery

39. jQuery image slider

40. Slider Gallery

41. Photo Slider Tutorial

42. Multiple File Upload Magic With Unobtrusive Javascript

43. Easy Multi Select Transfer with jQuery

44. Rounded Corners With Javascript (jQuery)

45. Multiple Fancy Drop Caps

Resources References
Nice Sum-Up DKumar…. Now i don’t need to go anywhere else for jQuery resource….Bookmarked this post !!
Thanks for the Quality Article.
K. Parker
Very nice tutorials!
Perfect for beginners!
This is very useful. Just Dugg it. :)
cool and thanks for sharing this with us.
Here’s a screencast you might enjoy…
AJAX Definitions with jQuery and PHP
“In this lesson we will create a sweet-action AJAX Definition retriever with jQuery and PHP – leeching definitions from the ever-wise Google of course.”
Great Stuff…
Thank u very much
great stuff
Good Collections!!!
Thanks for sharing this stuff.
Thanks guys for appreciation.
the first one is more than enough!
great Google work Mr. DKumar
long life instantShift
hey guys one question!
when i command it asks me for the spam protection calculation, after entering the command, my comment is under approval??
then my question is why you need the spam protection??? :)
@lawrence77 – it’s you very first comment with instantShift so we need to check your identity. Now after this, you never need approval for any other comment as you already being once verified by us.
We are using this system to protect us from daily spams. We have been receiving more then 200 spam entries daily and it was very difficult for us to maintain comments and avoid spam.
But now overall accuracy rate is 96.75% (according to out stats). That’s really very great because our spam count has reduced to 3-6 spams daily.
Good work guys…
I appreciate it…
good work Daniel!
Nice man :D
That a list of good tutorials. Guess, I should be writing more of it and improve on them if necessary. By the way you have the “brief” spelled wrongly in the opening paragraph.
what a nice jquery compilation.. :)
tthanx dude!
this website very powerfull. thx
Your Message…
what a nice query compilation..
Very nice tutorials!
Perfect for beginners!
Great work, guys! Luv y’all
whoa this is nice. Great job
thanks for sharing this stuff
thats great stuff there mate
go on
very nice …
Great post.. BOOKMARKED! :D
I plan to refer back to this very shortly for a project im currently working on. Thank you for the read.
Really excellent collection!!!
Thanks for the contribution
Really helpful tutorials.i have also some list of tutorials list please see here:-
Cool list.I have also 70+ jQuery Best Interface Techniques and Tutorials.Please see
Great site style and all the lists you offer!
I often use jQuery sliders for the websites I develop. It’s a good way to add some life to any website. I’d like to share free example of the ul-based slideshow plugin for WordPress that I’ve developed You’ll find there a demo version of the plugin and you can download .zip file and use it for your website. The key feature of the plugin is that images can be slided with the mouse wheel and in both axes i.e. you can slide not only left –right but up – down as well (as I did for our Portfolio).
Thanks for sharing a grate collection of Jquery tutorials
Sounds interesting that you give such idea.. Well thanks, its a great help… It is my first time here in this site… That is why it calls my attention to visit it again for more source of new information.. Great article..
Really Good. Thanx.
The post is written in very a good manner and it entails many useful information for me. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post.thanks
Very nice tutorials!
Well, thank you very much for the chosen stuff. Great..
great. . .. . .
These will definitely come in handy!
very Nice Tutorials.
Here is a tutorial that you may want to add to on of your lists:
It uses CSS & jQuery to adjust the heights of every DIV in a row so they match the height of their tallest neighbour. Especially useful for Liquid layouts (using Float: Left) where the number of columns in a row depend on the Window width.
great .. thanks you for sharing
nice info, alot of good links to start learning jQuery, they’ll be sure usefull
Great tutorials. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome list! thanks for sharing :)
Thank’s for sharing some thoughts!
Very nice .. thanks you for sharing..
Great tutorials.
Great blog mate, Got to say you must have done some home work to write a great blog.
hmmmmmm realy cool stuff
well done mate
They’re indeed excellent.. hope to try it this weekend.
Very help full thanks …Great Post
Its nice thanks for your post….
Thank you so much very help full……Great Post
Great post, i got a lot of new inspiration in your page. Keep writing for us.
Great post, i got a lot of new inspiration in your page. Keep writing for us.
Great post, congratulation for this.
Very well written. Thank you very much for sharing.
Thank you for these tutorials
Great Job, thanks for your shares.
yes good
This tutorials are nice.
I am searching scripts like Creating a Dynamic Poll with jQuery and PHP. I got on your page. So it is very useful for me. Thanks!
I like this post. i have some jquery tutorials collections
hi. ur website is very useful to me….
Very good. It is a very good and interesting article.
Very good.